Stellenangebote für: - CASH PAYMENT SOLUTIONS GMBH
Jobs Cash Payment Solutions (1)
Accounting & Treasury Officer
CBM Global Disability Inclusion
- Laudenbach
Permanent Contract/Part-time min. 60%, Full-Time is also possible Job Overview This role supports the organisation by providing accounting and treasury services for the organisation. Key activities include the regular payment of invoices, expense claims, salaries and taxes, management of cash in the two entities in Netherlands and Germany and bookkeeping of all transactions. This role is part of the central Finance team that consists of 5 team members and also interacts with our Finance staff in...
Casualfood Gmbh Gmbh Schweinfurt Wirtschaftsingenieur Bau Ingram Micro Straubing Aok Hauptverwaltung Cnc Steuerungen Dis Ag Freiburg Europart Restaurantfachfrau Clemens Kleine Heimleiterqualifikation § 2 Bewerbung F Motorola Idstein Objektmanager Zahnarzthelferin Gesucht Zeitarbeit Berlin Daimler Germersheim Mag Schweißer Gesucht Biologielaborant/ In Ausbildung Zum Kraftfahrer Erzieherin Gesucht Trockenbau Gesucht Elektroniker Weiterbildung Aktueller Lebenslauf Khk Kenntnisse Pta Gesucht Zerspanungsmechaniker Fräsen Montage Löten Metallbauer Schweißer Außergewöhnliche Jobs