1 bis 1 von 1 Angebote für ASSOCIATE RECRUITING WORKING STUDENTFounders' Associate Intern / Working Student (m/f/d)
EverSky Software Group PLC
- Berlin
Intro Do you want to join an impact-driven stealth startup fund on Day 1 and drive its strategic development together with the founders? You will be essential to the startup's success of reaching critical milestones Do you have experience in demanding, fast-paced work environments? Are you excited by the prospect of sourcing leads, setting up outreach campaigns, developing business plans, building financial models, conducting customer & competitive research, or creating pitch decks? Do you want ...
Controlling Hamburg E On Service Gmbh H 6 M Online Praktikant Junior Logistik Technischer Zeichner Cad Waren Annahme Hrs Kfz Überführung Spanischsprachige Mitarbeiter Stellenbeschreibung Projektmanager Sander Catering Vorpraktikum Maschinenbau Vorpraktikum Maschinenbau Markensachbearbeiter Inventuraushilfe Werkstudent Rechnungswesen Industrieverpacker Stellenbeschreibung Arbeitsvorbereitung Werkstudent Design Industriemechaniker Meister Logistik Plus Avance Personal Bat Aok München Stockdorf Gepr Betriebswirt Student Maschinenbau Eurocopter Donauwörth Verk Geschäftsführer Logistik Teilzeitjobs F