Stellenangebote für: - GOOGLE ONLINE STUTTGART
1 bis 16 von 16 Angebote für GOOGLE ONLINE STUTTGARTSenior SEO Manager France (m/f)
Intro We are the leading e-commerce company in the window and door sector in Europe with our nine international online shops, including our two major ones fensterversand and fenetre24. Behind our online shops is Neuffer Fenster + Türen GmbH, founded in Stuttgart in 1872. We see ourselves as a technology company, are proud of our ambitious team and are always on the lookout for talents who want to become part of our success story. Tasks Create SEO strategies and concepts for projects Optimize key...
Online Marketing Manager (m/w/d) - Schwerpunkt Paid Media
Einleitung Wir sind das führende E-Commerce Unternehmen im Bereich Fenster und Türen in Europa mit unseren neun internationalen Online-Shops, darunter unsere zwei größten fensterversand und fenetre24. Hinter unseren Onlineshops steht die 1872 in Stuttgart gegründete Neuffer Fenster + Türen GmbH. Wir verstehen uns als Technologie-Unternehmen, sind stolz auf unser ambitioniertes Team und stets auf der Suche nach Talenten, die Teil unserer Erfolgsgeschichte werden möchten. Aufgaben Erstellung, Opti...
E-Commerce Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) für den Aufbau und die Verwaltung unseres Online-Shops
Einleitung Stuttgarterfeen ist ein innovatives und wachsendes Unternehmen, das sich auf einzigartige und hochwertige Produkte spezialisiert hat. Wir legen großen Wert auf Qualität, Kundenzufriedenheit und Kreativität. Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir einen motivierten und kompetenten E-Commerce Mitarbeiter (m/w/d), der unseren Online-Shop aufbaut, verwaltet und kontinuierlich optimiert. Aufgaben • Aufbau und Verwaltung des Online-Shops: Entwicklung, Gestaltung und Implementierung des Onl...
Digital Marketing Manager in Teil- oder Vollzeit (m/w/d)
Einleitung Wir helfen unseren Kunden dabei ihre Kunden im Internet zu erreichen, indem wir direkt online verkaufen oder Kontaktanfragen generieren. Aufgaben Betreuung des Kunden in den Belangen des Digital Marketings Steuerung deines Markeing-Teams inkl. Web-Developern Projektmangement der Kundenprojekte mit hoher Termintreue Erstellung von Markt- und Wettbewerberanalysen Auswertung und Monitoring der KPIs Erstellung von ansprechenden Kundenreports Gute Kenntnisse in Google SEO, SEA, Facebook/IG...
Growth Hacking / Performance Marketing (Praktikum)
Einleitung Wir sind ein junges Designlabel aus Stuttgart. Mit starkem Fokus auf cleveres Design und nachhaltige Produktion in Deutschland kreieren wir zeitlose Schmuckstücke und Home-Objekte. Wir verbinden digitale Produktionsmethoden mit cleverer Materialwahl um echte Lieblingsstücke zu designen. Aufgaben Zielgruppen-Analysen und kreative Ansätze diese zu erreichen Konzeptionierung und fortlaufende Optimierung des Lead-Funnels mit der Zielstellung qualitative Leads (CTR, CPC, CPV, CPL, CRO) zu ...
Praktikant im Online Marketing / Corporate Communication (w/m/d)
Einleitung Vioneers ist ein Weinhändler für Premiumweine mit Hauptsitz im Großraum Stuttgart. Als Weinentdecker sind wir ständig auf der Suche nach nachhaltig produzierten Spitzenweinen - und das weltweit. Dabei fokussieren wir uns auf familiengeführte Weingüter, denn wir wissen, dass Spitzenqualität meistens dort entsteht, wo Leidenschaft, ehrliches Handwerk und Verantwortungsbewusstsein zusammentreffen. Unsere wichtigsten Standbeine sind der E-Commerce Onlinehandel und der B2B Vertrieb unserer...
Training as a draftsman (m/f/d)
rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...
Architect Competitions & Architecture (m/f/d)
rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...
Creative Director Competitions & Architecture
rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...
Intern in architecture (m/f/d) for the 2025/2026 winter semester
rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...
Intern in interior design (m/f/d) for the 2025/2026 winter semester
rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...
Strategy Consultant (m/f/d)
rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...
Editor (m/f/d)
rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...
Project Manager Interior Design in Workspace (m/f/d)
rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...
Project Manager Interior Design in Retail (m/f/d)
rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...
Experienced project manager architecture (residential construction option)
rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...