Stellenangebote für: - GROUP WORKER DE
1 bis 1 von 1 Angebote für GROUP WORKER DECareer entry as employee for field studies (m/f/x) temporary job
Eurofins Agroscience Services Ecotox GmbH
- Niefern-Öschelbronn
Original Stellenanzeige auf - Klartext bei Geld! Finde den richtigen Job mit dem richtigen Gehalt. MORE THAN A JOB - COME TO THE LABS OF EXCELLENCE! The Eurofins Agroscience Group is one of the leading service providers in Europe, we conduct field and laboratory studies to determine the safety and efficacy of new substances and organisms for humans and the environment. We are experts in conducting global field studies according to GEP and GLP, worker exposure ...
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