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Stellenangebote für: - METRO MÜNCHEN

1 bis 19 von 19 Angebote für METRO MÜNCHEN

Vertriebsmitarbeiter im Außendienst (m/w/d)

METRO Deutschland GmbH - München

Original Stellenanzeige auf - Klartext bei Geld! Finde den richtigen Job mit dem richtigen Gehalt. Unsere Kunden und Kundinnen aus der Gastronomie sind unsere Motivation. Mit Leidenschaft, Kompetenz und Empathie tun wir alles dafür, sie optimal zu unterstützen. Unsere Mitarbeitenden sind unser Erfolgsrezept. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass unsere vielfältigen Teams mit hohem Engagement jeden Tag zum Erfolg von METRO beitragen. Erfolgreich sind wir, weil wir handel...

Students4Innovation (m/f/d)

TWT GmbH - München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

Projektleiter Test und Infrastruktur für Projekte im öffentlichen Sektor (m/w/d)

CGI Deutschland - München, Bayern, Deutschland

Position Description: Sie fühlen sich im IT-Umfeld wohl und wollen mit uns die deutschen Verwaltungen in die digitale Zukunft führen? Insbesondere die Projektleitung für Testprojekte im Applikations- oder Infrastrukturumfeld steht für Sie an erster Stelle. Dabei greifen Sie auf marktübliche Methoden zu, sowohl für das Projektmanagement als auch für das Testmanagement. Ihre Projekte sind dabei genauso abwechslungsreich, vielfältig und auch herausfordernd wie das Geschäft unserer Kunden. Your futu...

Online Marketing Manager (f/m/x)

KARE Design GmbH - Garching B. München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

Gebietsverkaufsleiter / Vertriebsaußendienst Region München (m/w/d)

D.u.E. Günther GmbH - München

Original Stellenanzeige auf - Klartext bei Geld! Finde den richtigen Job mit dem richtigen Gehalt. Wir, die D.u.E. Günther GmbH mit Sitz in Bergkirchen, sind als mittelständisches Unternehmen auf den Großhandel mit Hotel- und Gastronomiebedarf spezialisiert. Seit über 40 Jahren sind wir der Ausstatter der Profi-Gastronomie und Gemeinschaftsverpflegung. Seit August 2022 sind wir Teil der METRO - wodurch wir starke Synergie-Effekte aus der Gruppe nutzen können u...

Digital Sales Manager (m/w/d) im Außendienst - München

DISH Digital Solutions GmbH - München

Original Stellenanzeige auf - Klartext bei Geld! Finde den richtigen Job mit dem richtigen Gehalt. DISH wurde 2015 als hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der METRO AG gegründet, um digitale Lösungen zu entwickeln, die zum Erfolg der HoReCa-Kunden (Hotels, Restaurants und Caterer) beitragen. DISH bietet wettbewerbsfähige Lösungen für einige der drängendsten Herausforderungen der Branche. Mehr als 330.000 Gastronomen in 16 Ländern nutzen bereits digitale Lösu...

Researcher / Post-Doc Mathematics (m/f/d)

TWT GmbH - München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

Mathematician, Computer Scientist, Natural Scientist for industry and research / Research Manager (m/f/d)

TWT GmbH - München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

(Pflicht) Praktikum- E-Commerce Manager / Online-Shop Manager / Marktplatzmanger (m/w/d) -100 % remo

Wisefood GmbH - München

Einleitung Bereit, unseren E-Commerce Umsatz auf das nächste Level zu bringen? Bei Wisefood suchen wir schnellstmöglich einen engagierten Praktikanten, der uns im Bereich E-Commerce unterstützt. Wisefood ist ein erfolgreiches und schnell wachsendes Unternehmen. Wir vertreiben nachhatlige Verpackungslösungen und Produkte für die Gastronomie. Seit der Gründung im Jahr 2017 konnten wir bereits mehr als 100 Millionen Plastikhalme ersetzen. Unser Sortiment umfasst mehr als 1000 Produkte und wir verfü...

Project Engineer (m/f/d) Sample Environment

Technische Universität München - Garching

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

Working student (f/m/x) online marketing

KARE Design GmbH - Garching B. München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

Intern (f/m/x) social media marketing

KARE Design GmbH - Garching B. München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

Training as e-commerce specialist (f/m/x)

KARE Design GmbH - Garching B. München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

Training as warehouse specialist (f/m/x)

KARE Design GmbH - Garching B. München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

Training as retail specialist (f/m/x)

KARE Design GmbH - München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

Training as wholesale specialist (f/m/x)

KARE Design GmbH - Garching B. München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

A-levels program for commercial specialist (f/m/x)

KARE Design GmbH - Garching B. München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

Training as visual marketing designer (f/m/x)

KARE Design GmbH - Garching B. München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

Furnishing consultant (f/m/x)

KARE Design GmbH - München

rexx systems offers innovative webbased Software for Human Resources, e-Recruiting, Talent Management, CRM and Sales Force Solutions. You can find rexx software in 30 countries and in all common languages. We aspire to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction by means of perfect solutions. Solutions with standardised software for simple processes, and with customising and networking for complex workflows, harnessing synergies from our knowledge of processes and flexible technology. We are looo...

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