1 bis 14 von 14 Angebote für REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING DOORSÄhnliche Stellenangebote:
System Engineer (m/f/d)
Taking technology to the next level. Facing up to challenges and working on the innovations of tomorrow - for this, we at FERCHAU need experts like you: as someone ambitious who, like us, wants to take technology to the next level. We are involved in exciting projects for well-known customers in the aerospace industry and take on responsibility for complex development projects. Do you want to fully realise your potential? We offer you an environment with diverse tasks, new challenges and constan...
Process Engineer (m/f/d)
Intro In this dynamic role, you will serve as the key interface between our technologies and our clients' systems, particularly in oil and steam-based processes. You will analyze client systems, design interfaces with our high-performance storage systems, and assist the team with daily technical challenges. Tasks Perform mathematical and physical calculations involving various media, temperatures, and pressures. Define and optimize thermodynamic processes and oversee process automation. Develop ...
Requirements Engineer (w/m/d)
Ihre Aufgaben bei Valyue Sie sind verantwortlich für die Verfolgbarkeit, Attributierung und Versionierung von einzelnen Anforderungen sowie vielschichtigen Anforderungsdokumenten im Zusammenhang mit ISO 26262 und Automotive SPICE Sie spielen eine wichtige Rolle beim Austausch und bei der Abstimmung von technischen Anforderungen zwischen Usern, Sponsoren und Stakeholdern Sie unterstützen Projektmanagement, Entwicklungsteam und Testteam darin, den Überblick über große und komplexe Mengen von Anf...
Requirements Engineer Aviation (m/f/d)
Taking technology to the next level. Facing up to challenges and working on the innovations of tomorrow - for this, we at FERCHAU need experts like you: as someone ambitious who, like us, wants to take technology to the next level. We are involved in exciting projects for well-known customers in the aerospace industry and take on responsibility for complex development projects. Do you want to fully realise your potential? We offer you an environment with diverse tasks, new challenges and constan...
System Engineer (m/f/d)
Taking technology to the next level. Facing up to challenges and working on the innovations of tomorrow - for this, we at FERCHAU need experts like you: as someone ambitious who, like us, wants to take technology to the next level. We are involved in exciting projects for well-known customers in the aerospace industry and take on responsibility for complex development projects. Do you want to fully realise your potential? We offer you an environment with diverse tasks, new challenges and constan...
System Engineer (m/f/d) Helicopter / UAV
Taking technology to the next level. Facing up to challenges and working on the innovations of tomorrow - for this, we at FERCHAU need experts like you: as someone ambitious who, like us, wants to take technology to the next level. We are involved in exciting projects for well-known customers in the aerospace industry and take on responsibility for complex development projects. Do you want to fully realise your potential? We offer you an environment with diverse tasks, new challenges and constan...
Requirements Engineer (gn)
ENTDECKE DIE ZUKUNFT DER MOBILITÄT. Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Elektrik-Elektronik Fahrzeugentwicklung. Wir sorgen für moderne Gesamtfahrzeug E/E-Architekturen, die nahtlose Integration zwischen Soft- und Hardware, sowie die Test- und Absicherung von Kundenfunktionen. Unser oberstes Ziel ist es, die Qualität der Produkte unserer Kunden zu verbessern und deren Updatefähigkeit für die Zukunft sicher zu stellen. Hierfür kombinieren wir innovative Tools, Best-Practices, Automotive Expe...
Requirements Engineer (m/w/d)
Für unsere Hardwareentwicklung in unserer Division Defence & Space suchen wir für einen unserer Standorte in Berlin oder Dresden zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt Deinen klugen Kopf. Deine Aufgaben Als wichtigen Bindeglied zwischen dem Produktmanagement, unseren Kunden und der Entwicklung erhebst und konsolidierst Du Anforderungen für unsere Software- und Hardware-Produkte. Du sammelst das Produkt-Feedback von Kunden, Beratern und dem Support ein und leitest davon neue Anforderungen ab. Weiterhin üb...
Requirement Engineer (m/w/d) Schienenfahrzeugtechnik (947)
Einleitung Die BRÜGGEN ENGINEERING GmbH zählt in der Rhein-Main-Neckar-Region zu den attraktivsten Arbeitgebern im Bereich Engineering- und IT-Dienstleistungen. Sie profitieren als Ingenieur:in, Naturwissenschaftler:in, Technik- und IT- Expert:in sowie Wirtschaftswissenschaftler:in von unserer breiten Branchenkompetenz sowie unserem etablierten Kundennetzwerk. Wir sind erfahren darin, Potentiale zu erkennen und bringen Sie mit den individuell passenden, innovativen und spannenden Projekten aus T...
Software Developer (m/f/x) Aerospace
Project description: In this exciting role as a software developer, you will work on embedded applications for aerospace applications. The focus will be on low-level software, such as firmware, drivers and BSPs for avionics systems and propulsion control. Does that sound interesting? Then we look forward to receiving your application! Tasks: Development of safety-critical real-time software for aircraft systems Specification of high-level and low-level software requirements Design and implementa...
Requirements Engineer (m/w/d)
Einleitung Wir begleiten und fördern den persönlichen Werdegang und unterstützen jeden Mitarbeiter bei der Erreichung der individuellen Karriereziele. Spannende und anspruchsvolle Projekte, ein bunt gemischtes Team aus jungen und erfahrenen Beratern, gegenseitige Unterstützung und ein regelmäßiger Austausch mit den Kollegen vereinfachen dabei den Einstieg - egal auf welcher Karrierestufe. Aufgaben Als Requirements Engineer bildest du die Kommunikationsschnittstelle zwischen Nutzern und Entwickle...
Expert Engineer Product Safety
Tasks As Expert Engineer Product Safety (f/m/d) you perform independently & dependably all safety calculations for system and the aircraft. You generate all certification documents & safety of flight documents for legacy, current and future programs: • Proven experience in dependably and independently generating and reviewing safety calculations and documents spanning from safety of flight to Certification in other OEMs from aircraft inception to Entry into services. • Proven technical knowledge...
Software Verification Engineer (m/f/x)
Project description: As a Software Verification Engineer, you will work in a team of engineers who develop operational and application software for embedded systems in aircraft. Your area of responsibility will include the entire testing of safety-critical real-time software to ensure compliance with aerospace standards. Tasks: Specification of software test cases based on applicable safety requirements in the aviation industry Development and implementation of low- and high-level software test ...
Software System Test Engineer (m/f/x)
Project description: To support our team at our customer in the radio and communication technology sector, we are looking for a Software System Test Engineer (m/f/x) for a permanent position at K-tronik as soon as possible. Does that sound interesting? Then we look forward to receiving your application! Tasks: Development of test cases and test specifications for complex telecommunications and radio systems Verification, validation and acceptance of software components and systems Tracking and c...