1 bis 1 von 1 Angebote für WE DO COMMUNICATION GMBH STUTTGARTJob Opportunity: Group Accounting Specialist - International Relocation to Bochum, Germany
Kimberlite Consulting GmbH
- Bochum
View all jobs Job Opportunity: Group Accounting Specialist - International Relocation to Bochum, Germany* Bochum, NRW Job Opportunity: Group Accounting Specialist - International Relocation to Bochum, Germany We are searching for our customer in Bochum, Germany (in the heart of the Ruhrgebiet/ruhr area) Full relocation package from your current country to Bochum, Germany - !!! The deadline for submission or acceptance of candidate profiles is Friday, September 20, 2024 - 11 a.m. !!! 4 important ...
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