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getML / Code17 GmbH
- Leipzig
Intro At Code17 GmbH, we are building getML - a cutting-edge machine learning suite designed to tackle significant challenges in predictive AI that modern companies face when working with relational and time-series data. getML unlocks a 10x speed-up potential and delivers superior predictive performance, enabling efficiency and innovation at scale. getML is utilized across various industries, including finance, manufacturing, healthcare, and more. We are based in the beautiful Alte Baumwollspinn...
Consultant Rechnungswesen Marketing Specialist Weinsberg Kaufland Leiter Projektmanagement Amazon Leipzig Piening Beckum Siemens Amberg Fashion Staff Abteilungsleiter Metall Hays Mannheim Praktikum Im Bereich Musik Vorpraktikum Maschinenbau Interessante Unternehmen Serma Vorpraktikum Maschinenbau Bezirkskrankenhaus Lohr Produktionshelfer In Chemnitz Elektrofirmen Bewerbung Als Helfer Pharmazell Gmbh Raubling Bewerbung Douglas Federal Mogul Burscheid Gmbh Diätassistent Management Aufgaben Catiav5 Einkauf Gastronomie Gla Wa Bhh Sozialkontor Kimeta Losan Pharma